A-LEVEL是世界范围的“黄金教育体系”,A-LEVEL课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level),是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,由剑桥大学考试委员会统一命题,被称为“申请世界一流大学的金牌考试”,被160多个国家与地区,11000多所大学认可。
A-LEVEL, a worldwide "golden education system", is an advanced level course in the UK General Secondary Education Certificate Examination and a university entrance exam course for UK students. The unified proposition by the Cambridge University Examinations Board, known as the "Golden Examination for World-Class Universities", has been recognized by more than 160 countries and regions and more than 11,000 universities.
We offer a variety of A-LEVEL courses, achieve a balance of arts and sciences, and improve comprehension ability. We not only provide students with a wealth of course choices, but also meet the academic requirements of nearly a thousand majors in future university applications.
Curriculum Overview